Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
Preston Manor School is dedicated to offering all students in Years 7- Year 13 a comprehensive program of events and supporting that deliver essential information and guidance on career opportunities and employment pathways.
We are committed to working towards meeting the Gatsby benchmarks, which are:
- A stable careers programme
- Learning from careers and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each student
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal guidance
At Preston Manor, all students are entitled to free and impartial career information and guidance, as well as opportunities to gain practical work experience. Our careers program is integrated into Careers-related PSHE lessons, career events, and initiatives within the Personal Development and Well-being curriculum throughout their time at Preston Manor.
There is an individual careers focus for a group each year that is built into our careers programme.
To improve our services, we utilise the Careers Development Institute (CDI) Framework. This framework guides the implementation of our careers curriculum by clearly defining the skills, knowledge, and attitudes we aim to cultivate, ensuring our students are well-equipped for successful careers.
The CDI Framework outlines the learning outcomes included in our careers program, ensuring that these objectives are both sustained and progressively developed throughout the student's journey at Preston Manor.
Additionally, we have an Independent Careers Advisor who conducts personalised guidance interviews with our students. We welcome employers, training providers, colleges and universities into our school for assemblies, careers events/talks and training activities.
To view our Careers CEIAG Policy and Provider Access Policy Statement please CLICK HERE
If you are interested in supporting us, please contact:
Ms Nyakeru - Careers Lead
Telephone: 020 8385 4040
Would you be interested in collaborating with Preston Manor School? Here are several reasons why your business should engage with our school:
Information for employers
1. Support young people’s development
- Teach important job skills and encourage a positive attitude.
- Provide training in popular fields like STEM and business.
- expand professional opportunities such as work experience.
2. Promote Diversity and Equal Opportunities
- Enhance diversity in different industries.
- Expand educational and job options for disadvantaged students.
- Create a network to find and hire future employees.
3. Enhance Employee Development and Engagement
- Support personal and professional growth for all employees.
- Boost employee morale through community involvement.
4. Strengthen Corporate Social Responsibility
- Make a positive impact on the community.
- Strengthen the company's reputation.
To help our parents support their children make an informed decision about their next step in their education, we have helpful guides to Post-16 and Post-18 and other support information.
Useful links for parents
All students from Year 4 to Year 13 have access to the Careers intranet page. Please note, you must have a Preston Manor student email address to access this information.
Useful information for students
To access our Careers Intranet page, CLICK HERE