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Intensive mentoring

The intensive mentoring Programme aims to enhance learning opportunities of students who need support in overcoming the variety of barriers that prevent them from accessing the curriculum and achieving their full potential. The programme aims to empower targeted students by raising their self-esteem and self-awareness and by preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. Mentoring provides a safe space to get guidance and support, to be listened to without judgment or punishment and to discuss issues that are important to the mentee.

The Intensive Learning Mentor meets with their mentees on a one-to-one basis once a week for 30-60 minutes. Intensive Mentors work with the most vulnerable/needy students; they monitor the mentees behaviour and progress closely and liaise with DSD’s, outside agencies and families. 

Any parents wanting to refer their child to mentoring must contact the respective DSD. Only DSD’s can make referrals for intensive mentoring. All referrals go through the Pastoral Gateway.

Peer Mentoring

The Learning Mentor Programme at Preston Manor High School is an initiative that aims to enhance learning opportunities for students. This intervention is for students who need support in overcoming the variety of barriers that prevent them from accessing the curriculum and achieving their full potential.

The Peer Mentor program at Preston Manor High School selects the best Year 12 students to complete the extensive training Peer Mentor training program. The Year 12 students must have past experience of a pastoral role in the school, for example; a Year 8 buddy, Behaviour panel, or holding a prefect status.

The mentees can be any of the following: students who have moderate issues with behaviour, low motivation, self-esteem, attendance, under achievement or punctuality.

Mentees meet their mentors once a week for 35 minutes in the mentoring room or the Learning Resource Centre. Mentors will pick mentees up from their lesson and after the meeting; the mentor will escort the student back to his/her lesson.

Any parents wanting to refer their child to mentoring must contact the respective DSD. DSD’s and Form Tutors make all referrals for the Peer Mentoring Program. All referrals go through the Pastoral Gateway.