Student Health and Well-being
At Preston Manor School, we believe in promoting positive mental health and emotional wellbeing. We know that students who are able to demonstrate resilience in the face of challenges will be better placed to cope with the stresses of life and will grow and develop into happy, successful adults who flourish in the wider world and beyond.
Prioritising the wellbeing of students and staff ensures that good teaching and learning can take place, and that the school is a community where everyone feels able to thrive.
Mental Health - “is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and is able to make a contribution to his or her community” - World Health Organisation
We aim to support each student in their emotional health and wellbeing. This includes promoting positive mental health. As a staff body, we approach this in various ways, including through our safeguarding team, pastoral team, tutor time activities, Citizenship and PSHE programme and external visitors. We also work in partnership with Brent Centre for Young People and the Mental Health Support Team, who are both external counselling support services based at the school for students to access them should they need.
For further information please contact:
Mr Assad Ngochi - Whole School Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead
Apps which promote positive Mental Health
Please note that apps should not be viewed as a substitute for proper professional support and are only recommended below. We would strongly advise supervising your child’s use of digital devices, particularly around nighttime.
For Me | A free app from Childline. It offers counselling, group message boards and advice. |
Headspace | An app which teaches mindfulness meditation principles to improve wellbeing. |
Moodpanda | An app-based platform allowing people to track their moods. |
Recharge | Move well, Sleep well, Be well uses a free, personalised 6-week program to help you improve mood and energy levels. |
Smiling Mind | Provides free mindfulness meditations aimed at reducing stress, anxiety and concentration levels. |
SuperBetter | An evidence-based app that has been created to help young people build resilience to become stronger, happier and healthier. |
StressHeads | An app approved by the NHS Choices website to help 16-25 year olds identify and cope with stress. It includes games to help distract young people from immediate stress and monitor their causes. tools/stress heads |
Calm Harm | An app that helps young people manage the urge to self-harm. |
What's Up | Utilising some of the best CBT methods to help you cope with depression, anxiety, anger, stress and more |
SafeSpot | Aims to provide young people with access to coping strategies and resources to help better cope with difficult situations. |
Clear Fear | Clear Fear provides you with a range of ways to manage anxiety. |
not OK | This app is a free digital panic button to get you immediate support via text, phone call, or GPS location when you’re struggling to reach out. |
Stay Alive | This app is a pocket suicide prevention resource, packed full of useful information to help you stay safe. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide. |
Brent Centre for Young People (BCYP)
The Preston Manor Counselling Service is an in-house counselling service provided by The Brent Centre for Young People. We offer specialist short and long-term support and counselling/therapy for young people through our team of trained therapists.