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Elevate and Enrich Programme

We want all of our students to aim high, to aspire and to achieve their ambitions. There are two key elements that ensure success:  first of all - and very importantly,  each student needs to achieve the best possible grades; and secondly but crucially,  each student needs to build up an individual and impressive ‘Super-Curricular and Enrichment Profile’ over their 2 years in VI Form. 

Think of it as having 2 baskets to fill - one is for your all-important academic qualifications achieved through the A Level curriculum; and the other basket is for the super-curriculum, the wider experience of discovering,  learning and growing into a curious, independent and reflective young person.

Target A*/A Students.

The Super-Curricular and Enrichment Profile is especially important for our most able students. Our Target A*/A students compete every year against other similarly able students, both nationally and internationally, for the most sought after places at elite universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial and UCL. 

Despite the level of competition Preston Manor’s  top students are the ones who are selected. Any student making a competitive application to Oxford, Cambridge, Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Medicine will benefit from having an outstanding Enrichment Folder and  one to one mentoring support which includes help with all aspects of the application process including the Personal Statement and bespoke Interview practice.

Have a look at some examples below:


Y13 Leaver: 2021
Subjects: Maths, Physics, Chemistry
Career Focus: Medicine



Super and extra-curricular enrichment activities:

  • Volunteering at local care home
  • House Captain 
  • Futurelearn course on Musculoskeletal system
  • HE+ on Trauma and Emergency Medicine
  • University of Oxford UNIQ Summer School Biochemistry
  • ChemistryWorld Podcasts
  • Join the Debate & OXPLORE
  • Attending ICSM events at Imperial College London
  • Imperial Lockdown Lessons

How has enrichment helped me develop personally and academically?

Enrichment really made me curious to find out about the world and helped me  go beyond the A-level spec.  Attending Oxford university’s summer gave me a great insight into what it would be like to study there and it really motivated me. Developing my interests helped so much in my Medicine interviews and in general  extra- curricular activities were particularly good in helping me to grow as a person and develop a wide-range of soft skills. Join the Debates and OXPLORE made me more aware of current ethical issues- a must for anyone thinking of applying to medicine.   

Mariam is currently studying Medicine at Oxford University


Yr 13 Leaver:   2021

Subjects: English Literature, History, Politics   

Career  Focus: Law                                                

Super and extra-curricular enrichment activities: 

-K+ Programme (Law stream)

-Pathways to law 

-UCL - Young Lawyers programme 

-Cambridge Masterclass (Politics and International relations)

-FutureLearn Course on criminal justice

-LSE student shadowing 

-Reading Champions leader 

-Peer mentoring 

-HE+ Extension resources - Public Law and Criminal Law 

-Join the Debate 

-Watch and Listen ( eg Law in Action etc.)

How has enrichment has helped me develop personally and academically?

Enrichment has made it possible for me to develop my interest and enthusiasm for the course which I want to study at university (Law). Through undertaking different courses and attending various workshops, I have managed to gain a deeper and broader understanding of what I have a passion for academically. Furthermore, ‘Join the debate’ and ‘Watch and Listen’ have given me the platform to express my opinions on topics fundamental to society but also more specifically areas of personal interest such as the criminal justice system. Without the multitude of activities which I have embarked upon, I would have not been in the position to apply to such competitive universities

Sarah is now studying Law at Kings College, London


Jonathan Year 13

Subjects : Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry

Possible Career: Aeronautical Engineer

Degree choice: Engineering

Super Curricular activities completed:

  • UCL research project (Orbyts)
  • UKMT Senior maths challenge
  • British Physics Olympiad
  • Dyson Robotics workshop
  • Nuffield research placement (Engineering)
  • Future Learn course for “Planets and life beyond Earth”
  • King’s/ Christ’s Masterclass programs
  • Lecture on Cosmic Inflation (Pompey stargazing event)
  • Future Learn course - Engineering the future, Creating the amazing, University of York
  • STEM club volunteering

How Enrichment has helped me develop personally and academically:

Enrichment has aided me in a multitude of ways. The most notable way is making my university application stand out. The diverse forms of activities I have participated in such as “Join the Debate” and “watch and listen” have given my application a competitive edge. Also, taking part in various debates such as “Does Money buy you happiness?” and “Should Lockdown restrictions be eased so quickly?” has enlightened me on different political or ethical issues. In my opinion, the Watch and Listen platform is a superb way for Sixth form students to broaden their horizons. It goes without saying that these activities helped me discover the branches of Engineering that interest me most. Furthermore , the abundant forms of independent learning will showcase my enthusiasm and passion for my chosen course.

Suleqa Year 13

Subjects : Psychology, Biology, Chemistry

Degree choice: Law

Super Curricular activities completed:

  • Law at Magdalen College, Oxford
  • King's College Pro Bono Society Criminal Law Workshop
  • King’s College Law Summer School
  • Completion of FutureLearn Legal Ethics Course
  • Virtual Law Work Experiences with White and Case LLP, Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner and Clifford Chance
  • Wider reading (ie: East West Street, The Handmaid’s Tale, The Rule of Law etc)
  • Watching legal-related podcasts and broadcasts (ie: OxfordUnion Debates, Steelmanning podcasts etc)
  • Regular contribution to Join the Debate
  • Volunteering at North London Hospice
  • Spearheaded and secured funding for project tackling low educational attainment in Lower School
  • Roles in school include: Deputy Head Girl, Senior Prefect, Editor of VI Newsletter Team, STEM club, Behaviour Panel etc

How Enrichment has helped me develop personally and academically:

I arrived at Preston Manor as an external student unsure of whether I wanted to pursue a STEM-related course or a humanities-related one at higher education. Through my regular contribution to my enrichment folder however, I was able to acquire many skills in being able to write personal statements for applications to summer schools and other widening participation schemes. Furthermore, my broad interests were further developed through activities such as wider reading and Join the Debate in particular, which allowed me to keep up with current affairs. Needless to say, having an extensive enrichment folder put me at a great advantage when it came to writing my personal statement and my academic references being completed as I had a wide array of evidence showcasing my passion for my chosen subject.

Ayman  Year 13

Subjects: Maths, Physics, Business studies

Possible career : Business Owner

Degree Choice: USA Liberal Arts Degree (Subject focus: Economics)

Enrichment activities;

  • Multiple Edx courses on Economics, from universities such as Stanford and Harvard
  • Join the debate on topics do with sciences, but also global issues
  • Volunteering at athletics club
  • Watch and Listen
  • Books on economics, and general studies
  • 2020 senior physics olympiad

How has Enrichment helped me develop personally and academically

I believe Enrichment has helped me bridge together academics and the real world application of them. It has introduced me to new subjects, as well as solidified my choice of wanting to study at competitive universities in the US such as Rice and Harvard where it’s really important to have a broad interest in a wide range of things. Enrichment is also a valuable way for me to distinguish myself from other students, and in general expand my horizons.