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Preston Manor raises DLD awareness

RADLD picked up on Preston Manor's raising awareness campaign and shared that around the world in social media posts, highlighting the importance for secondary schools to raise awareness of this life-long condition.

RADLD spoke about the need for secondary schools to support and differentiate the work for children to succeed. Preston Manor's work in this area has again been championed by RADLD and we continue to work closely with them to support all children with DLD.

Earlier on in the term, Key Stage 4 students who have DLD or associated SLCN needs attended a talk by Abraz Hussain. Abraz himself has DLD and spoke openly, passionately and powerfully about his struggles but also his incredible success. Please see Abraz's link below as to why he thinks raising awareness about DLD is so important.

CLICK HERE to view more.

Preston Manor celebrated DLD Awareness day for the sixth year in a row, raising awareness for this life-long condition. Staff wore purple and yellow to raise awareness and spark conversations about DLD with students and the wider community.

Our staff enjoyed a DLD Cupcake along with a strategy to support their teaching.