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- 10/02/20
Inspirational Talk to Year 10
Year 10 students were treated to a talk from James Frater, who has been recognised at a Top 100 Future Leader. James is one of our school governors and attend school locally. James spoke passionately about how school supported him in achieving his next steps and the attitu...Read Full Story - 07/02/20
Options Evening 2020
On Thursday 6th February students in Year 9 spent the evening finding out information about different subjects they would be able to choose to study in Years 10 and 11.Read Full Story - 03/02/20
- 30/01/20
GCSE Poetry Conference Trip
Last Friday 30 Year 10 students went to a GCSE poetry conference! The students experienced live poetry and had the opportunity to ask the poets questions about their work. The students also listened to two talks from the chief examiner andCut learnt valuable tips for their exams. This was a successf...Read Full Story - 27/01/20
Preston Manor Alumni 2020
We held our first Alumni event for our lower school. Students who attended our primary school hosted 6 Rowan and 6 Poplar in our Upper School hall. It was a great opportunity for our year 7s to catch up with their year 6 teachers and show them what they have done so far in ye...Read Full Story - 30/12/19
Peer Mentoring Trip to the Science Museum
The Peer Mentor Bonding trip gave 26 Mentors and their mentees a chance to spend some quality time together out of school in a different environment, as well as supplementing their science knowledge! This experience gives the students a great foundation to start to build their mentoring r...Read Full Story - 30/12/19
The Mystery of Mars
On Wednesday 11th December 2019 we held our first in a series of university style lectures. The yr11 separate science and A’level science students were treated to a one-hour presentation by the renowned Astronomy author, writer and speaker, Colin Stuart. enter an introduction for your new...Read Full Story - 29/12/19
Carboo Cup Football Tournament 2019
The Carboo Cup Football Tournament reached a dramatic finale with the Cup Final being played on the last day of term. Congratulations to West Ham who came out as the eventually winners with a 1-0 vitory in the final.Read Full Story - 11/12/19
B.B.C and S.T.A.R.S. Bonding & Reward Trip
This trip was organised by the Mentoring department as a reward for students that were doing the right things, trying their best in class and being role models around the school for all of the students of Preston Manor. The students thoroughly enjoyed this reward trip where the B.B.C. and S.T.A.R.S...Read Full Story - 04/12/19
'We wish you a jazzy Christmas' Performance
Tuesday evening saw the culmination of the weeks of rehearsing for A Jazzy Christmas.Read Full Story - 03/12/19
Preston Manor Reading Kings
The Preston Manor Reading Kings (PMRKs) have enjoyed reading 'Thief' by Malorie Blackman. They had the opportunity to share and use their super communication skills to deliver a fantastic presentation on the book to Year 4.Read Full Story