Brent School Street scheme begins:
Please be aware that any vehicle that does not have a permit or exemption will receive a penalty charge notice from Brent Council and this is entirely out of our hands.
The four roads that are directly affected are:
- Carlton Avenue East
- Princess Avenue
- Bowling Green Ct
- Elmstead Avenue
If you have an arranged appointment with the school, it will be important to ensure that your vehicle registration number is provided to the school either when signing in or in advance, so we can provide your details to avoid a penalty charge.
If people are struggling with where to park to bring their child to school, Preston Road has a pay and display car park which is free for the first hour.
These roads should not be driven on without an exemption or permit between 8.00am to 9.00am and 2.30pm to 4:00pm. This is inclusive from Monday to Friday.
We understand the school street zone will take a little time to adapt to, but it will have an immediate positive impact on the safety of our young people.
Mr. R A Denial
Executive Headteacher