Year 12 Professional Interviews with PGIM

Having an interview - talking about yourself, your strengths, your areas of development, your ambitions and what motivates you can be very intimidating for all of us, but all the more so if you’ve never had any practice. So it was a great opportunity for our Year 12s when graduate employees from PGIM’s Central London offices came into Preston Manor to run 1-1 Professional Interviews.
PGIM’s volunteer interviewers gave up an afternoon to spend with our students, conducting the interviews then providing individual written feedback.
While our students were a bit nervous beforehand, they impressed PGIM with their enthusiasm. "It was a great experience for us! We really enjoyed working with the students and their motivation and eagerness to learn made the session really rewarding. We hope the students found it helpful, and we are looking forward to supporting you in the future again!" commented Paola de Rose from PGIM, who coordinated the event.
Feedback from our students was all extremely positive.
"The thing I liked most about the experience was the in-person interaction," commented Anabia. "As a Sixth-Form student preparing to apply for work experiences, university, and apprenticeships, it gave me a solid foundation. The feedback I received was extremely valuable, helping me identify areas for improvement and work on them effectively."
We would all like to thank Batoolah, Paola and the team at PGIM for providing our VI Form with such a useful and rewarding experience!